
S.R. Kramer is a writer from Gainesville, Florida.  He has a few books in desk drawers, and will soon be releasing Secret Santa Society, his first novel.

Writing is having a good story then staying out of the way while you put it on paper.

S.R. Kramer, paraphrasing a better writer

A bit about

S. R. Kramer

Stephen R. Kramer was born in Gainesville, Florida in the early 1980s. After a bit of writing while working construction, Stephen settled down and got a doctorate in physical therapy.  He has a wife and two kids.  They are all cooler than he is.

S.R. writes books because he loves great stories.  He makes it his goal for each work to provide something new to the reader. Old themes with new twists, characters that provide a unique perspective, and settings that are unfamiliar are the kinds of things that make writing fun for him.

  • Works a day job in an ICU.
  • Reads a lot of science fiction and fantasy
  • Eats the same thing for lunch everyday


1983Born. No other notable accomplishments.
2006-ishStarted writing a book. Mostly about Pizza. Other stuff too.
2008Married the love of his life, Erin.
2009Put the book about Pizza in a drawer.
2012First kid born. He looks like a tiny version of S. R. Kramer. Also started the Doctor of Physical Therapy program, because why do just one hard thing at a time?
2015Graduated from DPT program and began working in a hospital in his hometown.
2016Second kid born. Immediately has more personality than her Dad.
2021Released his debut novel, Secret Santa Society.
TodayWrites books when not working or parenting.